
Company History

In accordance to this plan, salinee healthcare conducted the first pilot and proof of study in Malaysia for FOMEMA and MOH in May 2012 connecting 4 clinics in Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Selangor using Salinee PACS. in order to create a total vendor neutral solution, all the CR and DR devices like carestream, agfa, drgem and fujifilm were used. All these CR/DR equipment were connected to the toshiba x-ray machines for the pilot run to test compatibility. Diagnosis and reporting were done using broadband data card from remote locations within Malaysia and also tested from overseas.
In teleradiology there is no loss of time, it incurs less expenditure and consumes less manpower. It also facilitates quick medical imaging results and quick turn around time. The system also provides better access in remote areas with immediate diagnosis and treatment, using a mobile device thus availing increased competitiveness for hospitals. In addition, teleradiology is also environmentally friendly, no hazardous chemicals used, no recycling process and provides many other benefits to its users.
Based on this study using the above parameters, there is no loss of diagnostic information when images are transferred from its source to a cloud server and then to the work station located at some distance from the source for reporting by radiologist.

FOMEMA project
FOMEMA serves as the country’s provider for monitoring the health of foreign workers, aiming to promote a healthy Malaysia through expertise and best practices. They offer world-class health and medical screening for incoming foreign workers. SALINEE Healthcare supports FOMEMA by providing SALINEE PACS, enabling efficient transmission and auditing of digital X-Rays with minimal turnaround time.
NR project
SALINEE has created a dedicated portal for x-ray centers in partnership with NR Medical Imaging Sdn Bhd. SALINEE PACS facilitates fast and precise delivery of x-ray reports, enhancing patient management and adding value for referring doctors. This comprehensive solution includes x-ray upload and reporting features.